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administrative department for labor造句

"administrative department for labor"是什么意思  
  • Article 13 enterprises , institutions and other organizations in violation of the laws and regulation , trade union has the right to bring the opinion of rectification in writing or with the other form ; if it refuses to do so , the said department may apply to the administrative department for labor and personnel department for solution according to law
  • Trade union supervises enterprises , institutions , or other organizations to sign labor contract and employ contract with the workers and staff members according to laws , if it refuses to do so , trade union shall on behalf of the workers and staff members apply to the administrative department for labor or personnel department for solution according to law
  • Trade union shall , on behalf of the workers and staff members sign collective contracts with the enterprise or institutions managed as enterprises ; if the disputes arising from collective contract signing and can ' t be solved by both sides ourselves , trade union has the right to submit them to the administrative department for labor for solution
  • It's difficult to see administrative department for labor in a sentence. 用administrative department for labor造句挺难的
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